Clutter is a lifelong problem.  That's because we’re always bringing stuff home that can turn into clutter.  So you have to work on your clutter your entire life to keep it under control.  It's easier to tackle clutter if you focus on one area at a time.  Like your bedroom.  Bedroom clutter is mostly clothing and you can declutter your clothing by dividing it into 3 categories.
Things that are stained, torn or need to be mended.  If they’ve been this way for a while and you haven’t gotten around to fixing them -- GET REAL -you’re not going to fix them -- so donate those to charity.  
Clothes you don’t like, don’t fit or you haven’t worn in a year --- put those in a yard sale or internet auction. Make some of your money back or give them to friends who will use them or donate those to charity too.
Clothing that you actually do like -- things that fit -- and things you will actually wear.   You can also organize the things you are keeping into categories like pants, shirts, and skirts. 

Plan to spend about three hours doing this.  And when it's all done -- REWARD yourself with something.