Your Best Compass Directions


Your four best (and worst) directions are based on your Kua number which is determined by your year of birth and gender.  Look up your year of birth in the solar year calendar dates below to find your Kua number.  Then check your Kua number for your best directions in the kua chart at the bottom of the calendar dates.  A positive direction can be utilized by sleeping with the crown of your head pointed towards that direction. If your positive directions are your partner’s negative directions, one partner will be sleeping in a negative direction. The “Least Worst” negative direction can be utilized for this.

 A note for those born in January or Early February:
Most feng shui masters use the Chinese Solar Calendar to determine Kua numbers. The Chinese solar year begins on February 4th or 5th each year at the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. If you were born in January or before February 4/5, use the previous year for your birth year. The solar year is the yellow column below. The lunar year is the gray column. The lunar year is used for Chinese New Year celebrations. It changes from late January to early February following the cycles of the moon.

1020 kua chart.png
1920 kua.png
1931 kua.png
1950 kua.png
1970 kua.png
1990 kua.png
2008 kua.png